Hi, I'm a self taught aspiring Web Developer. My passion in Software Development stems from the fact that I can build just about anything from scratch by learning and using the tools/resources online. My learning routemap is based on the curriculum provided by freeCodeCamp (See profile link) and some parts of the Programmer Curriculum by P1xt (see link).
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL
Framework/Libraries:Bootstrap, React, ReactRouter, NodeJS (ExpressJS), MongooseJS, Tailwind, ChakraUI, GraphQL, NextJS
Database:MySQL, MongoDB
Authentication and Session:PassportJS, Express-SessionJS
Unit Testing:MochaJS, ChaiJS
VCS:Git, GitHub
IDE: Microsoft Visual Code Studio
Development tools: npm, create-react-app, Vite, Chrome Devtool
Others:Website Hosting, Heroku, Netlify, AWS EC2
Simple Tribute Page with built-in responsiveness and semantic HTML
Github source code
Simple HTML Form markup with CSS Styling with CSS Grid layout adjustment
for larger viewport.
Github source code
Sample Product Landing Page with extensive use of CSS Grid and Flexbox for
Github source code
Fully Functional Website built for Car Workshop Company and hosted on actual domain. Features include:
Fully Responsive website built purely based on Bootstrap components and plugins.
Provides random Inspirational Quotes. User can share quotes using Twitter.
Built using ReactJS.
Github source code
App automatically parses Markdown format to HTML5. Built using ReactJS
and styled using Bootstrap layout.
Github source code
Built using ReactJS. Including keydown features. Styled using
Pure CSS.
Github source code
A Fully Functional Calculator that can chain mathematical operations
together. Built using React.
Github source code
A Countdown Clock that uses the Pomodoro technique and alternates between
Session Timer and Break Timer. The length of the Timers are customisable and can be reset. Built using React
and Settings UI is styled using Bootstrap Modal module.
Github source code
United States GDP
Github source code
Doping in Professional Bicycle Racing
Github source code
Monthly Global Land-Surface Temperature(Celcius) 1753-2015
Github source code
United States Educational Attainment - Percentage of adults age 25 and
older with a bachelor's degree or higher (2010-2014)
Github source code
Kickstarter Pledges - Top 100 Most Pledged Kickstarter Campaigns Grouped
By Category
Github source code
Built using vanilla JavaScript rendered with HTML CANVAS using OOP Principles (more performant than using DOM API
due to GAME having significantly more moving parts compared to SNAKE GAME).
Github source code
This service accepts a valid date (either in the format YYYY-MM-DD or in UNIX timestamp seconds) submitted as part of the GET METHOD. It will return a JSON object with UNIX and UTC time properties of the submitted date. If an invalid date is given, it will return a JSON object stating so.
This service accepts a single file upload and will return a JSON object with name, type and size(in bytes) properties of the uploaded file.
This service parses your GET request header and returns your IP address, language, operating system and browser specs.
This service accepts a VALID URL and will return both the original URL and the shortened URL in a JSON response. User can pass the shortened URL to the API and it will redirect the user to the original URL website. Service will return a JSON error if user pass an invalid URL (either invalid website name or invalid protocol ie HTTP/HTTPs/ftp).
This service is an exercise tracker and allows users to track their user (id and name) and exercise data (description, duration and date completed) through the API in JSON form. Also allows filtering of exercise data. Data is stored in MongoDB (document database).
Fully functional Web-Based Accounting Software prototype built to imitate an off-the-shelf commercial accounting system Autocount. Built as a Single Page Application (SPA) using the following technology stack:
Simple chat app built to mimic normal chat applications. Interface optimised for user experience. Application features stated in /app-info.
A prototype landing page powered using NextJS as a fullstack framework (App router) and D3.js showing Ethereum South East Asia Ecosystem Partners and Affiliates.
The page has an interactive globe that pans and zooms according to user interactions and display more information about the entities.
I bootstrapped the page as a prototype as requested by Ethereum Foundation to demonstrate project viability using existing component templates and styling based on the official Ethereum website Ethereum.org
and integrated the interactive globe into the website using existing data.